Warren: Save me!!
He gone crazy because of stress!! Kesian!
wow....she din catch snake yo!!! Good!!
Xiao xiao!! Hen hao xiao meh!!>.<
Dun be shy lah!!
They are promting their pipa or cover their face??==
Look at that adrian!!
She is laughing and eating!
hahahahahaha!!! She is laughing without reason!!
Handsome Guy!!
You!! See catch snake again!!
Please dun!! I beg you!! I am not doing it!!
The three!!!with different colours!!
Guess who am i!!
She is ANGRY!!!
weewit!!! Beautiful lady look over here!!
I am so tired!!! Haih!!
The CO Couple!!!T.T
Jia qi catch snake!! wo...
They are catching snake when teacher go to see other group!! You see!!
Owh...please dun take my photo!! We just want to go to bath!!
we are going to bath! Dun take my photo please....
We like to rush here and there because of our school Slogan!! UP! UP! CHUNG HUA! That is why we get scold by our teacher!! Sorry teacher....we can change anything as fast as we could but only the speed is very hard to change!! want to know why!! Because of our school SLOGAN!>.<